Sep 24, 2015


So, I'm the middle of a lull now. If all the lulls of my life so far, periods of time when you have absolutely nothing to do and have a mind to do exactly that, were to be taken out and put together to create a paralull life, my current lull would probably feature as a lull in that life where trying repeatedly to throw my toothbrush into my bathing mug would feature as one of the more exciting moments.

The lull has come about because today (Thursday) is the end of the first half of my short excruciatingly long exam season, lasting all of 8 days. On Tuesday there was one, on Wednesday there was one, today there was one and assuming all goes according to plan, there will be two on the coming Monday and one on the coming Tuesday. The three intervening days form a buffer, a convenient break to plan my studies better grab all the sleep I can get.

Exactly now though, after all the high drama of these exams, I stare at a three day weekend, unsure whether to sleep, watch a couple more episodes of that TV series or simple stare at nothing before I have to pick up my books again. Somewhere in that list of priorities, about 128th or so, was writing this blog post after extinguishing other alluring alternatives with open blog having made up mind to write and don't write a close 127th.

There isn't much else going on really. If you care, Arsenal won the North London Derby. I do. A lot.

So TV series it is then.