Feb 4, 2014

Long time, no Write

So, it has been an eternity since I took up pen and paper (laptop and earphones more like) to string together a meaningful sequence of words for the sake of writing. Just writing (typing more like). And how much has happened in this eternity. I completed my first semester at my new college, enjoyed a month long break, came back to college, completed another week, went home again, came back, completed a couple more weeks and now I finally feel free of the massive writer's block of untraced origin that seemed to weigh me down all these days more than a sack of lead. A sudden clearing of the symbolic clutter in the mind, though I'm not quite sure how, lead to me actually taking the load off my overburdened buttocks to lend my hostel room a semblance of tidiness and it has also lead to my personal epitome of mental clarity and sharpness concerning vocabulary, free flowing words over pondering and pausing after every sentence inked.                                                                                        

The elusive adjectives, adverbs and the unnecessarily fancy words are back in my mind, ready to be used, like one of those wonderful packets of palak paneer. Yes, MTR provides ready-made packets of palak paneer. So let me ramble on about a happening period between this post and the previous post, which the records show was a shocking 3 months back. 

Well, my sister was here all of December. And all of December was a holiday for me. You can imagine things worked out well there. The second semester has brought exciting new challenges, an altogether higher level workload (which my merciless seniors assure me is tuppence. All taken with a pinch of salt) and new interests. 

The first weekend of the new semester saw us restless undergrads in a state of general unemployment, leading to a section of this crowd deciding to go on a trek, and a smaller section deciding to tag along. A mind-blowing first time experience found me asking for more and more and from here on, I will ensure that I accompany everyone on every trek. It's just the fun of getting out of your routine, your comfort zone, an exceptional physical exercise and a way to expel the city from your lungs. Few joys can match that lent by the trickling of beads of sweat trickling down one's cheeks just 2 hours after thinking of the best choice of last words in the cold night before the tropical sun comes out to bathe everyone in heat and raising mercury levels before one could say "quidditch". 

As the Bible so aptly puts it, "For His anger endureth but a moment, and in His favour is life; weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning". 

I haven't read the bible, but this particular line is extolled in its virtues by the namesake book, "Joy cometh in the morning", by P.G Wodehouse, a part of the excellent "Jeeves" series. 

I continue quizzing, continue being passionate about anything physics, continue studying and continue living this life of which I couldn't ask for more. Busy, happening, sporadically strenuous but always enjoyable. 

Hope you are living the same.