Sep 20, 2012

Walk In Thunder

To walk in the rain, let go all inhibition,
Walk in the downpour, of ambition

Walk in the rain, alone
Walk in the rain, even if there's nothing to moan
With every drop that lashes your face,
A tear drop too,
Silently, only for you.

Walk in the lightning,
The flash of earth's brilliance,
Transformation in resilience.
Walk in the lightning,
To see the sky lightening
If only for a second.

Walk in the rain,
Forget your sorrow.
In the pleasant pitter-patter of the rain drops
Trust me
Your troubles do seem hollow.

Every wish unfulfilled,
Every goal unconquered
Every path, traversed and failed
Seems golden
In the merry light of the rain.

The rain never ceases,
Nor the tears that pollute it
Every drop
like the cradle of your mother's arm

Hear the noise, the yell of nature
A billion drops, for every creature.

And then suddenly
Hear the thunder
All serenity and tranquility
In the noise
The distant rumble of satisfaction
To express your hearts elation
For walking in the rain
Forget all sorrow

Walk in the rain, even if there's nothing to moan
With every drop that lashes your face,
A tear drop too,
Silently, only for you.

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