Aug 28, 2013

Opportunistic Beginning

Opportunism is, in my constantly changing opinion, the most important trait in a person. It is not the fastest, the smartest or the brightest who make it furthest and highest, but the most opportunistic.

Optimism is simply hoping for the best, finding hope in the direst of situation. It's good, but over-rated. At the end of the day, nothing happens in the mind apart from the mere ground-work. Creating constructive activity out of a plan gone wrong is far better than telling yourself that it isn't quite that bad after all. Which, in turn, is better than ruing over it, followed by a prediction that the rest of your life will contain several similar instances of failed plans which you inferred from the fact that your life till now has been so. Well, so has most of ours.

So, it is on a quite boastful note that I tell you, my (sparse) readership that I wasn't supposed to be free right now. My college literary club called for the third meeting of the year, the first two of which I had missed. The email was curt, crisp, and requested us to bring a pen and paper.

After wandering the corridors with a pen, paper and tired hands, I revisited the email to find that the date mentioned was that of yesterday. Oh Drat!

The perennial opportunist that I am though, I thought I will use the time to finally write an extensive post  about my first month at a new college, a residential college.

Hostel life is new and strange to me. Strengthening my initial claim about the mind having a small role to play is the fact that it did take me quite a time to adjust despite my nearly two-year long preparation (mental) for living in a hostel.

To be fair to myself, like I always am, I've done a fair job so far. Signing up for several clubs, attending class diligently, tackling my first bout of illness away from home without breaking down, finding new friends, eating the mess meals without causing them to defy gravity, improving the fluency of my Hindi, attending cricket practice (which I've pragmatically decided to quit), reading books and in the midst of this, studying as well as having fun. Phew! Now I'm finally updating my blog.

The first week when I arrived here, it was like a splash of cold water on the face. Startling but rejuvenating, It was a blaze. Like life had suddenly decided to become vivid. A sea of new people, a crowd of boys and girls just like me, a campus that was like a world within a world, a city within a world. And for me, a life within a life. 

It will be for another 4 years at least, barring spectacular events, good and bad.

And now, nearly a month into the new academic year, my new life, what was exciting and fascinating has now become mundane, monotonous. Well not quite everything. I refer simply to the hostel life, living on my own. Keeping track of my clothes in the everlasting cycle of wearing, washing and drying. Adjusting the timing of my bathing and morning pilgrimages so as to least inconvenience others as well as myself. It's a fine balancing act.

And you end up picking up unique skill sets. I, for one, have learnt how to eat keeping taste buds inactive. When a sense organ constantly lends negative feedback, it learns to shut down gradually at the right time. As my tongue does when it sees the same mess food on the plate.

I can wake up half an hour before class and magically end up in class on time, dressed completely, stomach full. A super-power I've acquired in this month.

Hostel life is slowly yet steadily shaping me. I can see it, but I cannot stop it. The wonderful environment buzzing with like-minded souls has a mesmerising effect, the first time I have ever been a part of an institute of such a large scale. I'd love to go through the first month all over again.

It makes you selfish, highly competitive, opens your eyes to cultures of your country that you never knew. Above all, it makes you opportunistic.

Right now, it makes me glad that I ventured out of my comfort zone, away from my beloved Bangalore.

Aug 14, 2013

Conversation with a loved one

M is Me
LO is my loved one.

M: Hi

LO: Hi. Ssup?

M: Nm. I love you

LO: I love you too

M: I really miss you since I left

LO: Hmmm, I didn't know you had left

M: But you said you love me. And you didn't even realise?

LO: Many people love me like you. I love many people like you.

M: Haven't you realised I'm gone even once for the past 2 weeks?

LO: Now that you mention it, I remember faintly that you haven't been near me for some time.

M: How does it feel?

LO: Doesn't make a real difference to me to be honest. I just miss you cycling around me, or just looking at me, silently admiring my beauty.

M: Ha! So you do remember me!

LO: Yes, it's coming back.

M: How you doing?

LO: Still the same. I'm not as beautiful as before, not as friendly and inviting. I still am me though, and that is something.

M: That sounds quite arrogant.

LO: It's an arrogance that comes with experience.

M: Anything new?

LO: Haha, are you seriously asking me this question? There's something new to me everyday. But it's all still the same. I don't change drastically. Looks like you're the one forgetting me.

M: No, I think of you everyday.

LO: I'll take your word for it. I can see you're changing. Pune is making you different.

M: Yes, every place has it's characteristic. And I'm alone, not sheltered by you.

LO: It's the people who leave me who say I change. It's the people who come into my life that make me change. Yet, I'm the same, the people change. Ironic isn't it?

M: This philosophy you give me goes over my head. You always surprise me and confuse me. But everyone still loves you.

LO: Yes, I've taught many people many things, often the hard way. But it's the reason I exist. I make others better so they can live better with me.

M: I really miss your influence.

LO: What's your name again?

M: Ha! You claim you love me and you don't even know my name. It's Lokahith.

LO: You'd know if you were in my place. People living with me abuse me, curse me all the time. But the instant I'm not there, they're all cribbing. They want me back. You're not like that I know. You loved me throughout. So I just liked to watch you go around. We never really had an introduction.

M: Thank You! That's the greatest compliment. Of everyone, I miss you the most.

LO: So how is this Pune? Already taken my place in your heart?

M: Never. I really miss you. I can't live without you. At every opportunity I'll be zooming back to you. You have defined me, led me, and made me. All the while I never knew that. I just thought you were beautiful. But leaving you has given me a new perspective.

LO: That's nice to hear.

M: I'm coming in October, back to you. Back to Bangalore City.

Aug 7, 2013

Perceptions of Pune

After a two year long grind to end my school life, I can emerge from this period of life with a lot to reflect on. Good, bad and ugly.

And I'm fortunate to be able to say, the good slightly overshadows the ugly and the bad in my profile.
At the top of the good chart are two stand-out moments. The 2nd prize in the all India essay competition, which has been extensively discussed earlier on this blog, and clearing the IITJEE in it's new avatar, JEE Advanced.

By virtue of which I sit right now on my comfortable bed in my new hostel, in a new city (Pune) and in a new institute (Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research, Pune), pursuing a BS-MS integrated five year course.

A new innings of my life that I am intently looking forward to and for the few days that I have experienced it, one that I am thoroughly enjoying. And while the larger part of the city is still one large mystery to me, I am so certain that it has exciting avenues, simply lying in wait for me to discover and enjoy.

My perception of the little I have seen is "Comfortable" and the perception of that which I haven't seen could be described as "tantalizing". On the whole, if the experience turns out to be "enjoyable" and "challenging", I will have got what I bargained for.

Kindly join me in wishing myself a great Pune experience.