Sep 28, 2010

It's over

My first blog in a long time, around four months to be precise, four months of entertainment, fun and of course studies. But today it all paid, to know that I could rise after the sun did the same, to know that the Damocle's sword, although very much present, was hanging by a material stronger than just a hair. The rays of the sun which roused me were warm, and satisfying in the damp Bangalore air, so cool you could drink it.
Hard to imagine just 24 hrs back I was standing in the assembly, feeling like a Jew on the way to Auschwitz. A mathematical exam of my battle-hardiness had been prepared and I wasn't feeling so upto to it. It started of well and was a close run thing though I could claim to having the better of the exchanges. While I started strongly, my finish was meek not helped by the fact that I was feeling a little heavy in the stomach having failed maintain equilibrium between input and output. The extra weight was more than I could take and my body reacted by shivering and my memory crashed.
Of course, I had experienced the like of this devil several times and more often than not, come out on top. Not to be this time. The piece of paper with squiggly, black text over it proved to be my nemesis in an otherwise successful campaign. Termed question-paper, these pieces of paper came in large varieties such as lengthy, tough, easy, cheap and the most notorious being "screwing." Common terms associated with these serial-killers are "I messed up" and "I'm gonna flunk" while more explicit varieties were reserved for the extreme cases.
But today, it was all past. Whether it went well or not, we'll know later but for now, I' done with it and that's all I care.
Now I'm looking forward to enjoying the holidays for the first few days before the yearning to meet friends becomes too hard to bear and time, the great adversary begins to move in slow-motion.


  1. Edit post. It is the Jew not the Nazi you felt like right?

  2. hey brilliant work. if exams can bring out this poetry out of you, can't imagine what it would be with more interesting subjects...
    keep up the good work
    srikala bhashyam
    ananya's mother

  3. Thank you!!
    I would say that exams bring out the best because man is at his best in the face of adversity.
