Well, let me tell you what banana brings to my mind. I once inadvertently happened to read a piece somewhere in some magazine, or perhaps elsewhere, that the banana activates the mind. Stimulates it, makes it work more efficiently. I tried it out a couple of times and could see that the author was good as his word, the banana speeding my mathematical calculations and increasing my attention span, not greatly but at least noticeably. Inevitably, this is what banana brings to my mind.
But the foremost association my mind has formed with these yellow curled cylindrical fruits are their aid in digestion, more specifically, egestion. A biological term, which when translated to baby language reads potty. And in adult language reads bowel movement. Sometimes more explicit. A single banana, quite literally, greases your butt and lets the solid waste flow through like there was no tomorrow. Quite relieving. As long as its at the right time.
I like the Hindu concept of Muhurta.There exists a right time, auspicious time for everything. And our natural calls are no exception. Especially with the conflicting effects of a banana in the alimentary canal.
And there could be no wronger (I use the grammatically incorrect intentionally, for emphasis), time for it than during an exam. And I have unfortunately, though not unwittingly, been on the receiving end twice.
With my unparalleled belief in the ability of the banana to enhance my cranial efficiency, I encouraged the efficiency of my digestive system. And before I knew it, my rectum was full, right while I was writing the exam.
Here are a few things about having a full rectum. First and foremost, filling of the rectum empties the brain. The rest of the effects are trivial,and are experienced only if the outlet valve is not opened immediately. They include shivering, weakness all round, inability to decide on whether to sit or stand.
life revolves around the several choices we make, weighing up the pros and the cons. The question that haunts me before every exam is not my preparedness, or my thoroughness with the content, but whether I should have a banana or not. I have risked it several times, managing to stay alive despite the heated assault of my underside. I have managed to literally, come out on top.
Bowels vs Brain via Banana is how I would word this scenario.
Literally, your brain is full of shit. :P